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April 2018 Update
After my Discipleship training school in LA I felt God calling me to do the School of Worship in Orlando Florida.
Currently, I am learning how to worship the Lord by responding to His character and nature in all aspects of life! After this school I plan to continue my journey with YWAM Orlando and pursue staffing. The next step in the process to becoming staff is a School of Ministry Development (SOMD), The SOMD school starts June 24th of this year, and it will include a 3-month missions tour.
I will need about $3500 for the school and another $2000-4000 for the outreach portion. I am raising support in pursuit of the call I believe the Lord has on my life for missions!
If you are interested in helping me and supporting me financially you can do so through my home church (Peoria Christian Fellowship, 610 Abington St., Peoria, IL 61603) or the Peoria Christain Fellowship Church donation page and give under "education" and write Reed in the comments box.
I also value your prayers for me! I would love to reach out and give the amazing testimony of the ways we saw God move in India and Greece.
So, please contact me to hear about how God has been moving in my life personally and through the presentation of the Gospel to people across the world! Thank you for all your love, prayers, and support!
Contact info: Reed.Drury@gmail.com Text or call 747-232-9691.
Shirles and Reed at LA Graduation |
March Update here
These past 6 months have been truly amazing! I have been able to partner with God's plans for restoration and redemption in physical and spiritual ways! Along this most recent journey, I have also been transformed and will continue to be changed into the image of Christ. For the past two and a half months I have served in Vellore, India, and Athens, Greece alongside the homeless, the abandoned, the forgotten, and the needy. To date, this is the most life-changing and shaping 6 months of my life. We have been blessed to see over 140 healings, 15 people baptized (14 with a Muslim background) and over 80 people saved on this outreach in Greece. We have also been witness to the multiplying of food along with other signs and wonders. Jesus is alive, and His Spirit bears fruit!
Now that I will be graduating from DTS (Discipleship Training School) I feel called to join a SOW (School of Worship) in Orlando, FL where I will take part in more discipleship with YWAM. This school starts April 5th and runs through August 1. I am currently raising my tuition and outreach fees, and it would be amazing if you would like to partner with me in the ministry God has allowed me to take part in. You can send any support to Peoria Christian Fellowship Church, 610 Abington St, Ste J, Peoria, IL 61603 and mark your gift "Education Fund".
For more information you can contact me (I return to the states at the end of February) at 1-747-232-9691 or email me at reed.drury@gmail.com. Blessings!
November 28th Update
We are less than three weeks away from outreach!
I appreciate your prayers, especially prayers for protection from sickness (this seems to be the biggest hindrance to outreach) for me and all our team as well as prayers for provision. Our next financial deadline is December 9th, and I am still in need of $1500.00 to complete the outreach budget. I would love to pray for you as well. Feel free to contact me with any questions or prayer requests that you have in your life. My email is reed.drury@gmail.com. God is going to continue to move, and I have never been more excited to see His love affect new people!
Missions Team Prayers Welcome!!!! |
After much prayer, I have also felt that God is calling me to YWAM Orlando after graduation in March. I will be taking a school of worship class from April 2 - August 17, 2018. I will continue to ask for missions support to complete this next step. I will update you more when I return from outreach.
Financial support can be sent to Peoria Christian Fellowship Church, 610 Abington Street, Suite J, Peoria IL 61603. Please mark your giving "Education Fund for Reed Drury."
More information about the Orlando School of Worship can be found here.
Thanks for this update, Reed! I am praying for you every day. Love - Aunt Jan