Hope is complicated
I have been studying hope recently and found that many
writers and teachers reduce their insights down to a few over simplified
points. Understanding something is critical for implementing that something.
But when we reduce the diversity of the world into a few simple choices, we
practice more deception than illumination. I just finished reading a Bible
study that concludes that all of life's problems are the result of personal
sin. The implication was that if you would fully obey God, then your problems
would go away. For those of us seeking to have hope in God, this thought, if it
is the only thought, produces hopelessness.
Sin does separate us from God. But there are also numerous
other factors that bring problems into our lives other than sin. Immaturity,
lack of social skills, the sins of others and even blessings (according to the
teachings of Jesus) bring trouble into our lives. Jesus lived a sinless life
and He had all the troubles anyone would ever want. For the person honestly seeking both God and
hope, a mixture of divine justice and mercy are needed. And this mixture is
what we have.
In the book of Hebrews there is a verse that is often
expressed in the context of God doing for you what He has done for others. I
know that many of us have been raised on the motivation of "what God has
done for others He will do for you." But is that comparison healthy? Is it
even biblical? How many people in the Bible did God treat the same? Didn't
Jesus even treat each of His disciples personally? Peter did not get the same
thing as John, who was treated differently than Thomas. One key factor in
keeping hope alive is the truth that God is dealing with you personally.
This personal relationship with God does have community rules
and the Kingdom of God has trans-cultural principles, but we are not just a
holy nation, we are not just God's family. We are people, individuals who seek
to find the Master. And this is where the Hebrews 13:8 passage comes in.
Jesus Christ is
the same yesterday and today and forever.
(Hebrews 13:8)
Those of us who are not two thousand years late to the life
of Christ Jesus on earth do not find ourselves seeking to relate to a God who
is different than revealed in the life of Jesus on earth. Just as the people in
this Hebrews passage are given instructions on living, we too are seeking to
follow the instructions. In seeking to follow we also seek Jesus, who is our
hope and strength for following. If we are going to succeed it is because He is
the cause of our success and life. Jesus is the same forever. So you and I come
to a stable being to relate to. And He relates to each one of us personally. We
must fight against the deception that God treats everyone the same. We must
seek to escape comparison, even Christian comparison.
Have hope. Although God is tricky, He is also loving. When
God hides from us, it is for the best reasons. When we are pressed down,
perplexed, at the point of failure and fatigue, God is near to help. Even when
His help is beyond our understanding, He is there and He is the loving one, the
merciful one, the holy one and the just one. One step, but a step you will need to repeat,
is the step of not comparing. Don't compare your job, your health, your
marriage status, your house or any other thing.
I have come to recognize fifteen different elements involved
in change and thus involved in moving toward a more hope filled life. This list
is not one of those list where if you can empower seven of the fifteen then you
will be moving toward change. Each item on the list has power to bring about
Godly perspective and hopeful living. God has amply supplied all that we need,
or at least all that I need.
In summery
Sin does cause problems in our lives but it is
not the only cause.
Fight against hopelessness that comes through
over simplified counsel and instruction.
Be encouraged that Jesus is stable, His nature,
emotions and motivations are constant.
Embrace the fact that some pain is going to come
into your life based on your calling and service to God.
Don't waste your time pouting about God not
being what you want Him to be for you. Instead set out on a holy and unique
adventure in finding out who God is for you and how you can live a life filled
with hope.
Hey Pastor Rodney, This is great! It actually simplifies things for me! Blessings to you guys, Kathy