A time when you are weary of all the voices
When the simplicity of devotion to God is lost
Feeling pressured by the next great thing
Burdened to birth revival when in truth
Birthing joy or hope is most desired
A time when the scares left by sacrificial love are reopened
Cut again
Days when the body is weary
But the heart longs for youth long past
When unseen burdens crush your heart
And you are asked, lovingly, by friends, by strangers
To do more
To be more, to have passion
And those little rejections
When those you love, love us less
Or worse, publicly remarked against
Some hidden flaw, flaunted by another
Unwilling, unable
To apply your blood and Christ’s to cover
You embrace the wound as a badge
No, as a ticket, a price paid
To be offended, hurt, sorrowful
In spiritual habit or holiness
Your heart seeks peace and His presence
You linger, He does not
You brood, He turns His head
No victim you
No basket to fill with sorrow
No vessel for sin and sickness
No reservoir for pride
You want to be a man, human
You want to celebrate brokenness and lack
You want to triumph in inability
To glory is deep sorrow
But you are not a man, O redeemed
You are image bearer, Holy One
A vessel filled
Eternity, and more resides within your mortal being
Good is not God’s target
Experiencing His glory, not glory enough
Christ like
Like Christ
Something is going to overwhelm me today
What will it be
Will it be HIM
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