Waking Up - A Gift from God

Waking Up

Do you have a time when you just start to wake up, where your mind and heart are mostly empty and you can fill yourself with whatever you wish? It’s like no thoughts are yet pressing in on you, so you can choose to think on whatever you desire. Hidden beneath the covers and comforted by your pillow you can breathe in and fill your life up.

In these precious moments, I tend to fill my life with thoughts of God and His wonders. Often just the awareness that I am breathing gives me an internal warmth. I feel like I am free to breathe in hope or wisdom, inspiration or insight. I become more aware that my destiny, my life is not something that happens to me, but something I live out. From out of my being, I face the day, the duties, the desires.

Waking up is a great gift from God. How wonderful that life is full of waking up. What a dullness life would be if we were ever on, ever awake. All the wonders we enjoy of starting fresh, new, and rest would be unknown to us. We would be like machinery, unaware of life, of rhythms of morning and evening, start and end. We are not equipment, we do not starts with a flip of a switch. We get to awaken. In the mystery of wakening up we discover each day our existence, life, purpose, creativity, love.

We get to choose to fill our mind, our emotions, our lives with whatever. We have the opportunity to know what we are choosing, to love or dream or hope or fear. We are living and being alive is a part of waking up. It is full of wonder. But we can live without wonder, we can overlook it.

We can fall into the trap of just getting up and getting on with it. We can fail to see that we are alive, that today is new, that life can be breathed in. We can develop a machine mentality, to think that our life consist of how much we work, accomplish, produce. But even if we are under the pressure of difficult work situations, we are still alive, able to awaken today and be inspired, encouraged.

Enjoy the times of awakening, those moments where you can fill your life with good things before the call to give out. Value the infilling, so that the giving away is a gift, not a demand. Awaken each day to receive more than enough of whatever you need, so that you have more than enough to share.

God in His creative wisdom made the universe to offer many of these little gifts of love to us. The design of life, of world rotating, of galaxies circling, give to us seasons of sleep followed by awakening. What do you do in those first moments where you realize that you are alive, that life is yours? Do you ponder riches or joy?

Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.   (1Ti 6:17)

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