How to be a world class worrier
If worry is your thing, why not make the most of it. Honestly, anything worth doing is worth doing right. So how does a person go from a rather ordinary fretter to a world class worrier?
First of all, you need to know that you’re not going to get there overnight. It took years for you to develop the habit of filling the peaceful moments of your life with anxiety. You most likely practiced long and hard at the task of embracing the unknown as a sure sign of evil. So moving forward as a world-class worrier, know that it takes time to displace hope and joy in your life. Reaching the next levels of vexing will take some time.
And while we are on the subject of time. The second goal is to focus on using all your time in a worrisome way. If you find yourself enjoying something, if you discover that through music or gardening you have drifted away from worry, try and regain a stressful state. Don’t become distracted by joys and beauty. Try to cultivate a negative and complaining spirit so that even if you are engulfed in edifying music or enjoying the wonders of nature you can focus on the faults. And in the case that no faults exist, you will be able to remind yourself that even the good things in life are not free. Try to find media sources that use fear and twisted perspectives to remind you that everything has its bad side and must be held in check by worry.
And most importantly avoid Bible scriptures. It is fine in engulf your life in positive thoughts and images because when you realize how seldom you live like this, it will add to your stress. Unlike scriptures, positive images enlighten the mind and not the soul, so they are safe from producing any lasting happiness. Above all, avoid those sections of Scriptures call laments. These problems solving, soul healing passages of scripture are hateful tools against the life of worry. Even a short encounter with them may cause you to stumble into a destructive method of reducing worry through honest communication and communion with God. If you ever find that the presence of God is providing your peace and hope, immediately react by shaming yourself. Focus on being unworthy of God’s love. Stir up any notion you might have that God is angry at you.
Finally, when all else fails, use this mantra. “I am alone, no one cares about me, why should I even care about myself.” By focusing solely on yourself and pushing away all hope of love from God and others, you will be able to dive deep into the life of despair and worry. Good luck!
List of Psalms of lament to be avoided
Psalm 44, 60, 74, 79, 80, 85, 90.
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